Crochet Designer Interview: Karla Der’s Sleepy Sheep Pajama Bag

by Heather Mann

Here at Crochet Foundry, we LOVE working with all the talented crochet designers that we have the privilege to showcase in our magazine. In this Designer Interview series, we’ll get to know some of this month’s issue’s designers. Today we’re talking to crochet designer Karla Der, who contributed the Sleepy Sheep Pajama Bag crochet pattern featured on the cover of our December 2023 issue.

Crochet Designer Karla Der

Can you tell us a little bit about what inspired your design for this month? 

I originally designed the pajama keepers for my kids. I wanted to add a new, cozy, textured design to the collection. 

Crochet Foundry December 2023 Cover

What were some challenges about designing this piece?

Explaining how to put it together inside out was a big challenge.  It’s a simple process that’s difficult to explain in writing. 

How did you learn to crochet?

My grandma taught me to make a chain when I was 9. Then I taught myself to crochet amigurumi when I was 19. I had to learn from books because it was before Youtube. 

What is your favorite crochet technique or stitch pattern?

I really like half double crochet because it can be used to create so many textures depending on which loop is used.

How do you hold your crochet hook?

I hold it knife style.  I tried to switch to pencil but it didn’t stick. 

Sleep SHeep pajama bag

What are a couple of fun facts about you? 

I used to scrapbook every day. I used to make scrapbooking layouts and paper craft projects for craft supply companies. You might have seen some of my work at Michael’s or Joann stores.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I feel very honored to be able to share my designs with the Crochet Foundry audience. Thank you for having me. 

Are you a crochet designer (or would you like to be)? Crochet Foundry works with independent crochet designers to produce the gorgeous designs featured in our magazine. To find out more, visit our Submit a Design page and be sure to sign up for our Designer Email list to be notified of design opportunities.

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