Pamela Yarbrough’s Tilted Block Stitch Shawl: Crochet Designer Interview

Intro – Today we’re talking to crochet designer Pamela Yarbrough, who contributed the Tilted Block Stitch Shawl crochet pattern featured in our September 2024 issue.

Can you tell us a little bit about what inspired your design for this month?

I wanted to create something light and airy in a neutral color.

What were some challenges about designing this piece?

Chaining the right amount.

What’s your favorite aspect of this piece?

I love the lace and flow.

What sort of customizations are you hoping creators will make when they crochet this piece?

Using different types of yarns and colors.

What is your crochet origin story? How did you learn to crochet?

I am self-taught by books. YouTube and how to videos just weren’t popular at the time. I was really tired of using a hand towel to sit my hot bowl of soup on, so I decided to create my own and so I bought a couple of basic how-to book and created my first project.

What was the easiest or hardest part of the learning process?

I enjoyed learning it so much that I can’t recall anything hard about it. It just seemed like a natural fit for me.

What caught your interest?

How pretty the projects were.

Is there anything you’d like to learn how to make?

I would love to learn to make a cardigan that is not just a “make to fit your own measurement” garment. I would love to learn more of how to make the numbers fit for all sizes.

What is your dream crochet project?

To create an amazing multi-stitch afghan.

What was your first crochet project? Where is it now?

It was a bowl cozy and now the pattern is in a magazine.

Have you taught anyone else how to crochet?

Yes, I sure have.

What are some of your favorite tips and tricks?

Use stitch marker for every 10 or 20 rows when crocheting a large amount of rows. It will help you keep count easier.

What is the most important thing you would want someone who’s just starting out to know?

Crochet is a life-long hobby of learning, take your time with it and have fun along the way.

What benefits has crochet brought into your life?

It has actually opened up a whole new world for me. I am now creating, writing and having my designs published in magazines and I have a platform to showcase my love of crochet and God’s word all at the same time.

What is your favorite crochet technique or stitch pattern?

I have so many because I love everything about crochet, but I guess I would have to say I love making puff stitches.

Do you crochet more for yourself or for others?

I crochet mostly for designs that I think my viewers would like and for my family.

What are the smallest and largest items you’ve ever crocheted?

The smallest would be logs for a campfire for 18” dolls and the largest I would have to say is a pullover hooded blanket for my dad.

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever made?

A Gecko.

What project are you most proud of?

My basket and pocket shawl.

How often do you crochet?

I crochet just about every day.

What is your crochet superpower?


Do you crochet only at home? If not, what experiences have you had crocheting in public?

I do mostly crochet at home, but I did go on a cruise and I crocheted on the ship. It is a conversation starter for sure.

If you could have a craft party, what five people (living, dead, real, or fictional) would you invite?

My sister Tanya, my daughter Jennifer and my soon to be daughter-n-law Candyce and 2 of my friends, Amy and Genny.

Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever crocheted? The best place?

In the media booth at church/on a ship.

What is your favorite yarn (brand or fiber weight)?

I love 3 light yarn the best.

How do you hold your crochet hook?

Knife style.

Do you have a favorite hook size or brand?

H 5.0mm

What other supplies do you use when crocheting?

Stitch markers.

Do you sell your crochet?

I have a few times.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to sell their crafts?

Do you research on what’s popular and the pricing of your items.

Where do you hope to go with your crochet?

I want to be a designer that people can relate to and I would love to work for a magazine helping to select the projects for their issues and to work with the designers in the magazine.

What are a couple of fun facts about you?

I am 60 years old, and I am in college working on finishing up my Associate of Business degree. I have taught Sunday School for 26 years and I am a minister’s wife.

Do you do any other crafts? How do they compare to crochet?

No, not at this time.

How can our readers find you on social media?


Are you a crochet designer who wants to contribute to Crochet Foundry Magazine? We work with independent crochet designers to produce the gorgeous designs featured in our magazine. To find out more, visit our Submit a Design page and be sure to sign up for our Designer Calls be notified of design opportunities.

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