Here you will find the standards used by Crochet Foundry and our designers. These standards will help you create crochet (and sometimes knit) treasures that you will be proud of.
Standards are an important part of patterns. They let you know what yarn to buy, what tools to use, and which sizes to make. They even help you figure out what modifications you may want to make to a pattern so that it will fit better or be more your style.
Most standards are pretty much agreed upon universally, or at least within the USA. Some of them do vary. The measurements used by Crochet Foundry and our designers have changed with the new owner. You can learn more about the new measurements used, and why they are more accurate to current bodies, from Kim McBrien Evans, HERE. The measurements Crochet Foundry uses are found there under “Kim’s Representative Size Chart”.
Below you will find more standards used by Crochet Foundry. Click on the sheet to download or buy it. As we create more resources for you, we will continue to add to this list.
Members can find more details on the 4 printables above in the member area HERE.